Call of Duty: Warzone has 15 million players

Call of Duty: Warzone

Activion announced that Call of Duty: Warzone 15 has 15 million players now. This is a great number for just a few days. As you know after the company had some discounts and campaigns game got millions players. That was predictable.
Call of Duty: Warzone

The reason of this success can be the discounts of this game. After making the game free it got millions players. But we shouldn't forget that the thing which makes popular is its Battle Royale.
Even developers said thank you from the official Call of Duty Twitter account.
The company planned and announced that the releasing game should be on 10 March. And after releasing the game officially game got more than 6 million players. That was a great success.
According to Infinity Ward every part has at least 200 players. But developers still trying to make it better for player. So in the close future we will play with bigger teams and new Modes
Call of Duty: Warzone

Also there is a good new for players who haven't download it. You can still play CoD: Modern Warfare. You can download it from internet. So you don't have to get Call of Duty: Warzone for it. Some matches have about 150 players. That number is great a just a match. And think that the developers want to make it better. With free Mode Call of Duty: Warzone still available for you. If you don't know how to download it, read it from my website. Here is the link.

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